Saturday, March 02, 2013

Keeneland -- A True Painting

This was painted with no crutches, no pen and ink to delineate different areas or the use of visible pencil lines to show detail.  This is 100% watercolor, with a bit of pastel added at the end to enhance certain areas of the sky and grass (which I do not consider a crutch).  I think I was able to nail the musculature of the hind limbs with washes and a thin brush for detail.

                                           Watercolor on 140lbs paper 9x12

For those who know me, know that horse were a central part of my life for almost a decade.  I do not work with them any more, but sometimes people contact me about my old work.  Back in April of last year I had the opportunity to visit Kentucky and took in some races at Keeneland.  This is the photo from the back of the racing program.  I took many of my own at the several farms that I visited during that trip.  A handful of those are in the queue waiting to be painted.

Thus ends the streak of the Three Legged Horses. Thanks Cone.

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